
Thursday, July 9, 2015 Remarks by President Kikwete At the farewell to dissolve the National Assembly and 10 Parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania searches blog

Mr. Speaker;
We have every reason to thank God for the blessings given us a lot of life and enable us to witness this significant day in the history of our Parliament and our country. Finally the day has come to break the Ten Assembly to facilitate the relevant step of the process of general elections in 2015 effectively implemented.

Mr. Speaker I thank you very much for this opportunity to give me your esteemed scheduled to address the National Assembly so that I can fulfill my duty the basic constitutional. But my biggest thanks for your leadership vibrant and courageous. Umeliongoza Parliament well. I know it was not an easy task. Many at much wider. But for the great courage you can deliver it safe harbor salmini ship. Indeed, you are the captain attention to the commandant strong, whom you proved your courage and vigilance in the field of the arena. You are the first woman to hold the highest office in this axis legislative and has to bring home to the world that women are given a chance they can.
Mr. Speaker;Allow me also to convey my thanks and sincere congratulations to the Honourable Members to the great job you did. Appropriately complied with their obligation to enact constitutional law and supervise the government. I thank you for your cooperation and your support. It is a truism that without you, our MPs and Parliament, we would not be able to get success and progress we have attained. Developed your own, you own a great honor Parliament before the citizens. Tanzania Mmeitendea democratic rights and synergism great honor in this Parliament, regional and international.
Mr. Speaker;On December 30, 2005 I launched Ninth Parliament I expressed my view about our country and specify primary responsibilities and priorities of the Fourth Phase Government. I said we will fulfill our responsibilities and priorities so with new zeal, new vigor and new speed. On July 16, 2010 during Parliament's break I described the gains we made and challenges zilizotukabili period. On November 28, 2010 during the launch of the Tenth Parliament I identify priorities of the Government of the Revolutionary Party in my second period of our country's leadership and pledged kuvitekeleza for more dedicated, more powerful and faster. Like the fees, today we reached the end of life of the Parliament of Kumi, may I use this opportunity to provide feedback to the implementation of the Government's responsibilities and the things that we promised and planned to do.
Unity, Peace and Security
Mr. Speaker;I promised that in the period of my leadership will do all that was possible to ensure that Tanzania continues to be one country and its people continue to have one, they love each other and cooperate despite their differences in race, religion, tribe, place forthcoming, and the adherence of political parties. Also, that our country will continue to be highly peace, security and stability.
Today we poagana, you and I, are witnesses that Tanzania and Tanzanians have remained one. However, during this period there have been isolated cases of minor and major, threatened the unity of our country and its people. There are things yaliyopandikizwa bring hatred between Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar, between Christians and Muslims and between certain areas of the country and others.
Fortunately, a consistent position of the leaders of our two Governments were assisted by other officials as well as partnerships with religious leaders and community and public awareness, vimeliwezesha our nation overcome these challenges with all these threats. These challenges have proven the quality of the conversation. It is true that they gombani speaking and speaking to finish their differences without fighting.
Mr. Speaker;Niruhusuni, take this opportunity to thank you once leaders Fellow, Vice President, President of the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar, Prime Minister, First Vice President of Zanzibar, Second Vice President of Zanzibar, religious leaders, community leaders and citizens All the victories gained in maintaining our unity. However, great care must continue to be taken for people with bad intentions for our country or our unity and they have not had happy that they succeeded. They may try again. All we have to do is continue to cling to if they try again defeated.
Our union Umeimarika More
Mr. Speaker;I am glad that I finish my period of leadership as we can maintain and improve our Union rare and rare in Africa. You will recall that in my speech opening of the Ninth Parliament, I stressed the importance of the leaders of our two sides meet regularly to discuss the development of the Union. I am glad that this matter was held under the chairmanship of Vice President, assisted by the Prime Minister on the mainland and in Zanzibar Chief Minister in my first phase and the second vice-president in this phase.
Gains are considerable. Various aspects of the old and new IT HAS BEEN, covered and find solutions. For example, until 2005 had remained a nuisance 13 United Shelukindo identified by the Commission, will now remain four nuisance. Already a solution of one nuisance being finalized three administrative and been tackled in full in the proposed Constitution. If the referendum would have been held and that the Constitution was approved there would be no Poro the nuisance Shelukindo Commission. But for such a referendum to be done is what we keep mentioning. However, our two Governments agree zimezungumza and we will find a way to finish the issue of oil and gas resources. That is why in the Bill of Petroleum move to Zanzibar have full authority to oversee the extraction of oil and owning its revenues were included. I give thanks to your esteemed House to adopt the bill. One of the major impediments in the United've finished.

Political rip Zanzibar
Mr. Speaker;You will recall that I talked about my kusononeshwa and political fissures that existed at the time Zanzibar and explain my willingness to help untangle. If you know the conversation took place in the CCM and CUF parties and between frames was found. Government of National Unity is formed and the political fissures may have provided treatment. The result of this is that the political and social environment has been much better these days than it was before.
It is my hope that our brothers in Zanzibar will sustain this progress to continue to live in peace, love and brotherhood. I recognize the existence of challenges here and there in the conduct of this government. Linalonipa comforting thing is that problems concerning the structure itself is not the Government but the variation caused by people vary in statements or operations of some things. I believe these are things that can be completed in stakeholders sit back and talk like it was before the frames.
Peace and Security
Mr. Speaker;Our country is safe, safe limits for Citizens Defence Forces of Tanzania continued to effectively fulfill its role of protecting the sovereignty and borders of our country. During this period we have invested heavily in our Army strengthened with modern equipment and military equipment and training. Tumeimarisha command of Dry Land, Aerospace and Marine. Readiness for war our army is good again advanced. Professionalism and discipline of our troops advanced. Tumeboresha interests and military housing by building new residential homes. Implementation of the plan to build 10,000 houses goes smoothly. To date, 6,064 homes built across the country continue to flow 3096 houses completed. I finish my period as President and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of Defence and Security with confidence that "We are well". Despite that, the implementation of 15 years to strengthen TPDF should progressively to deliver it when we popakusudia our Army.
Mr. Speaker;In these 10 years we have made great efforts to fight crime in order to protect the safety of life and property of people living in Tanzania. You will recall that in 2005 and early 2006 there were many cases of robberies. I promised during the campaign and in my speech to Parliament that we will not let them continue recognizing robbers. The situation under control. Although incidents of banditry not over, but your not as it was then.Likewise, the incidence of property crimes dipped run from 43,808 in 2005 to 53,268 in 2014. I make many compliments to the Force for the great job they did and they continued to do. Something that we have not succeeded enough is traffic accidents. Neem must continue its kuzitafutia. Niruhusuni Identify and thank the Inspector General (retired) Omari heaters, Inspector General (retired) and Inspector General Said Mwema Ernest now my present for their good leadership.
These achievements are the result of the Government's investment in the program of improvements kelezaji Police developed during the leadership of Brother Saidi Mwema, a retired IGP. The police force continues to be enabled by tools, equipment and training. Complete the procedures for the Army to provide enough vehicles to improve efficiency.
Also, we have continued to improve the welfare and living conditions of officers and soldiers. For this purpose we are repairing some existing homes, we have built several new apartment houses, common and dormitories. Planning has been completed to facilitate the construction of 10,000 houses that will reduce significantly the problem of shortage of residential houses in the police force.
Mr. Speaker;Our army has continued to perform well and the Prisons its obligations to protect prisoners and modify their behavior. In addition, accommodation services, clothing, food and transportation for prisoners have continued to improve. The biggest challenge is overcrowding in prisons. I believe plans to build new prisons and expand existing Handled problem will end. In addition, a program of improvements to the Prison been completed and implemented, will improve the working environment and living officers and soldiers, thus raising their moral and increase efficiency.
National Service
Mr. Speaker;My promise to restart the procedure of taking youth accordance with the Law on National Service fulfilled. Until now 38,200 young people have completed the training, including Members of Parliament. I thank the Members who participated in leading by example. Greatly helped re-start the same procedure without restrictions. It is my hope that the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Defence and National Service will sit together to discuss how to find solutions to the challenges. I believe it can be overcome, our youth took part training without any problems.

Mr. Speaker;In this ten-year period we implement our commitment to build and strengthen good governance policies, laws, systems, institutions and human resources. We have done so in all key areas including those relating to human rights, democracy, the fight against corruption, the code of ethics, revenue collection and spending discipline in public finances and sharing out power beams document.
Assembly of the Union
Mr. Speaker;The government has fulfilled its obligation to properly chief axis Legislative dollars. We started the Parliamentary Scheme and raise money in the budget to Parliament from 30.58 billion shillings in 2005/06 to 173.76 billion shillings in 2015/16. We have also established State Fund to kuwawezesheni MPs to contribute in solving development challenges faced by the citizens of their states. Parliament accordingly giving effect to its obligations through its permanent committees and created a select committee when necessitated.
During this period 163 bills passed, questions the basis of the cumulative 7544 and 22 632 are asked and answered. 2 select committees were formed. This is a great achievement for our Parliament. This Parliament has done a great job and the work of pride. Comments and his advice has been a catalyst of some action to change the policy, legal and practical committed by the Government. In fact you deserve many congratulations. You can not mention the success of the Fourth Phase Government would recognize the contribution of this Parliament.
Constitutional Process
Mr. Speaker;As we all know, through this Act of Parliament, in 2013 we initiated the process of constitutional changes aimed to give our country a new constitution which is better than the current one. I am glad that the process has led us to the Constitution proposed that imekidhi those expectations. And I offer our sincere congratulations to the Constitutional Commission and the Constituent Assembly to the Constitutional great job they did. Step Poll remaining where we are all awaiting the instructions of the Commission. I believe that if approved, the proposed Constitution will strengthen further our nation.
Political Parties
Mr. Speaker;During this period we have witnessed increasingly independent of political parties in strengthening and building up. Number of political parties has grown from 18 to 24 political parties have done their activities freely. Leaders and their members have done many meetings and even riots across the country. The Council of Political Parties and TCD have become important instruments which made a good job of building cooperation among political parties. Have become important platforms of consultation between the political parties on different issues. Problems have been many challenges be addressed. It is my hope that these two instruments shall be promoted and enhanced the coming years.
This is the year of elections and political parties are the protagonists. It is my hope that the political parties vitaheshimu and uphold the values ​​of choice. This will promote stability and peace in the electoral process.
General Election
Mr. Speaker;The big news here in now is a great choice. Already the National Election Commission (NEC) and the Zanzibar (ZEC) have already been announced on October 25, 2015 that is to be done on the general election. Preparation of the elections progressing well. National Electoral Commission continues to exercise the enrollment of voters for a new form of technology Biometric Voters Register (BVR). Until now admission exercise is completed in 13 provinces and continues in 11 provinces and in the region of Dar es Salaam and Zanzibar admission depends begin this month. For information on the Electoral Commission have already been registered to date 11 million voters between the goal of registering voters between 21 to 23 million.
We in Government will continue to fulfill our responsibility to enable the Commission to fulfill its obligations. Let me assure you that every Tanzanian has the right to vote will have the opportunity to enroll. Tuhimize requested from people to come forward to register their right not to miss it.

Freedom of Information
Mr. Speaker;You will appreciate me being in this period press freedom and freedom of people to express their views has expanded enormously. Tanzania there are 16 daily newspapers and among those the government is 2 (Daily News, News Today). Weekly newspapers also topped 62. In addition, there are 115 radio stations and 29 television stations, the government does not review the information before the printed or written. We decided that for my belief that the welfare of democracy relies heavily on the freedom of the press. Second, as we realize the benefit of the media to educate the community, to fight the evil and encourage accountability.
Despite this, we did not hesitate nor fear of taking action when freedom ensued badly and threatened to disrupt the peace, unity and security of the community or nation. Or, where the law of the country have been violated. That is our constitutional responsibility that I and my colleagues were sworn accomplish.
Mr. Speaker;In order to increase transparency and communication with citizens in 2007, we launched the public website. This site imeshapokea move between the 117,243 and the Government were 78,258 and putting all been tackled.
In the improved system of communication, Tanzania imeshahama from the system is ecological and entry into digital system. This is an important milestone for the development of the information industry in the country. What I regret is that we could not accomplishing the composition of the Bill of Rights of Access to Information and Media Law. Bills completed and read the first time here in Parliament but his process did not come to an end. Tunawaachia colleagues who come to deal with it in the 11th Parliament.
Battle against Corruption
Mr. Speaker;The fight against corruption is another area in which we livalia bells in Phase Four. We have obtained great achievements in the fight against corruption, although work is still great. We have done three things. First, we set forth the Act. 11 of 2007 for the Prevention and Combating of Corruption which has increased the strength of the struggle against this evil. The number of offenses of corruption was added from 4 to 24 and the base of offenders, too, to involve people in the private sector. Systems of investigations and prosecution and firmly.
We have instituted a new instrument instead of PCB PCCB has been tagged responsibilities to prevent and combat corruption rather than prevention alone. PCCB has been given more authority in leading this fight. Institutions have continued to be strengthened by labeling tools and equipment to work with human resources and other requirements. Tumeiwezesha PCCB to open offices in all the regions and districts.
Mr. Speaker;These improvements have enabled the number of cases of corruption allegations appearing in court increased from 50 cases in 2005 to 1,900 in 2014. The total of 87.8 billion shillings ziliokolewa. 97 civil servants were either dismissed on charges of corruption and abuse of their office after criminal evidence of absence. With regard to the fight against corruption in the electoral process, we have produced a law and election expenses. 6 of 2010 in order to provide answers to the cry of many days against people who use money to buy votes.
Income and Expenditure and Public Property
Mr. Speaker;Stated in my speech to launch the Ninth Parliament on December 30, 2005 that will give top priority to revenue collection and public expenditure discipline. Today ten years later I am proud we have found great success. Government revenues increased from 177.1 billion shillings per month in 2005 to about 850 billion shillings This has enabled the government budget to grow from 13.4 trillion 2005/2006 to 22.49 trillion year 2015/2016. Countless has enabled us to reduce aid and loans from development partners 42 percent of the government budget in 2005 to 15 percent in 2014/2015 and we are committed to the goal of downloading more than 8 percent this fiscal year 2015/2016.
Mr. Speaker;This was attributed mainly to the great work we have done to strengthen the Tanzania Revenue Authority who most deserve our congratulations. Still, I believe we can do better than this, if we add controls for lost income opportunities and further strengthen TRA and other authorized government revenue collection. Still the collection of non-tax revenues in urban and district councils in Ministries, Government Departments and Agencies of the Government is under the target. While undergoing work to continue.
Mr. Speaker;With regard to discipline the use of government funds and assets we refocused our energies on strengthening the mechanism of government procurement and auditing of government. With regard to the purchase of goods and services, we continue to strengthen the Act and the Public Procurement Authority in order to ensure that there is proper management of the law and its regulations. As you know part, large public funds used in the purchase of goods and services, so the existence of good management is a good thing. Ukikosekana, theft and corruption reigns.
Mr. Speaker;With regard to the audit of government, we have taken deliberate steps to strengthen the Office of the Controller and Auditor-General of the Government. We have a new law which gives more power and freedom that office. In addition, we add thereto the budget, resources and human resources. 8 regional offices have been built and 2 continue to be built.
I am pleased that my instructions to the leaders and executives in the Central Government and Local Government about reports of the Controller and Auditor-General of the Government assigned weight linazingatiwa. Such information now zinasomwa, discussed and action taken to defect was found. Parliamentary Committee on Public Accounts has done a good job. Thieves and corrupt that found legal action was wrong it is found. Nationally the report discussed in Parliament for long enough.
Mr. Speaker;I decided to also establish the Office of the Inspector General of Government Internal Auditors Internal accommodate both the Central Government and Local Government under his authority and his responsibility. The office has helped ensure the rules and regulations for the use of public funds and property are respected. Also, in the monitoring and implementation of the recommendations of the CAG. Strengthening internal audit and that the CAG has helped improve the valuation of government to be more favorable these days. Clean bill soared and dirty document are increasingly diminished government. For example, in urban and district councils, a clean bill soared from 56 in 2006 to 150 in 2014. Qualified Certificate is 13 and no adverse document. Work to strengthen auditing and fiscal discipline must be sustained.

Conduct of Public Officials
Mr. Speaker;In these 10 years we have strengthened the framework for managing the code of ethics. We have done so in recognition that good values ​​are the basic characteristics of a leader and bring decent government. We have developed the Ethics Committee to form a Council of Ethics in accordance with the Law of Public Officials Ethics number 13 of 1995. We have widened the scope and that the current assets of officials and their families are given information and a leader in the Declaration of Mali each year. This helps eliminate the possibility of head to hide assets on the back of his partner or child.
Mr. Speaker;The Ethics Committee is now not only receives the form and storing them, but it makes inspection of the property of officials and monitor. Their obstacle is access to financial resources. It looked for more. Volatility no moral wrong characters are referred to the Council of Ethics. We have all witnessed the good work done by the Council during the saga of Escrow. Still work to strengthen the Ethics Committee for financial resources, tools, office buildings and human resources has to be developed.
Underpin the Court
Mr. Speaker;In this period of 10 years we have made great efforts to strengthen the axis of Court. Among other things, we have done the things necessary for the purpose of increasing efficiency in the execution of its primary role of administering justice.
First, we separated the activities of providing justice and administration. We have instituted the Chief Executive Office of the Courts to handle financial matters and administration. Thus, the Court Registrars are left with the responsibility of providing the right. Until now these changes have been of great benefit to the Court have improved since the implementation of tasks in the court.
Secondly, we have established a fund that lent Court Court independence in running its operations. Coupled with this we have added the Court's budget from 36.6 billion shillings in 2006/07 to 87.6 billion shillings in 2014/15. The thing that needs improvement is the Treasury providing timely funding to be made as planned activities.
Mr. Speaker;The third thing is that we've added a number of Justices of Appeal, High Court Judges, Magistrates and Resident Magistrates Courts Genesis. Our goal is to increase the workforce to hear and determine proceedings. With regard to the judges of the Court of First begun appointed people with a Bachelor of Law. Currently counsel will enable people in those courts find defense lawyers. Between 2005 and 2015 we have added Justices of Appeal from 8 in 2005 to 16, and judges of the Supreme Court from 37 to 81 during the same period. Likewise, we have increased the number of women judges. In the Court of Appeal are 5 and in the Supreme Court there are 32 to make their total being 37. Right now we have a total of 1266 residents magistrates at all levels of court. Of those 534 equivalent to 35 percent are women. Number of Judges and Magistrates women is now higher than at any time previous.
Mr. Speaker;Given a good plan set by the Chief Justice Mohamed Chande Othman Court has made significant progress in reducing the backlog of cases in court. Judges have set targets for each judge hear and determine the proceedings at least 220 per year and each magistrate counsel 250 and those of the Court of First counsels 260 per year. Consequently, from July 2014 until March 2015 177 586 proceedings were opened and heard the Court to decide counsels 179,962. This means that all the other remaining zimesikilizwa previous years. Of course at this pace now overcrowding of the case will remain in the short term history. I congratulate you very much for Judges and Magistrates good job held with the view.
With regard to the building of the Supreme Court, have completed the building of the Supreme Court of the Division of Labor with the premises of the Supreme Court of Shinyanga and Kagera regions. In addition, two buildings of the District Court and the Court of First 12 have been completed. Currently, construction is underway of buildings 9 Regional Court left, District Courts 9 and 25 early.
Delivery Reform Justice System
Mr. Speaker;Another thing that we have done in the intention of increasing accountability, efficiency, and reduce the complaints of citizens and delays in proceedings is to separate the function of criminal investigation and operation of these charges in court. Police who were doing all the investigations will now be dealt with by the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions is running counsel. Already the Director of Public Prosecutions Office zimekwishafunguliwa in each region and now we are going to the district. In addition, we have improved the Office of the Attorney General for human resources, financial resources and to increase efficiency in the performance of this very important office. There is a need to continue to add financial resources and tools to effectively develop at the most.
Commission on Human Rights and Good Governance
Mr. Speaker;During this period, we have strengthened the Commission on Human Rights and Good Governance to enable the material, financial and human resources. The Commission is now working on the entire territory of the Union. In addition, due to the use of electronic system outcry much more taken to to the Commission and many are taken care solution. For example, the Commission submitted a number of complaints increased from 9,455 in 2006 to 25,921 in 2014 and the Commission's ability to deal with complaints for the year rose from 3,021 complaints in 2005 to 18,501 complaints in 2014.
Government Performance
Administration Areas
Mr. Speaker;With the intention of moving services, in 2010 we initiated four new regions of Geita, Simiyu, Njombe and Katavi and new district 19. We also established 45 councils, county 1,432, 1,949 villages, 1,379 streets and neighborhoods 8777. I have decided to establish a new province Songwe from Mbeya region and six counties as follows: Tanganyika Katavi region, Kigamboni and Ubungo in Dar es Salaam, Songwe in Mbeya, Kibiti in Coast region and Linyi in Morogoro. I know we have many applications but for now we make it.
Interests of Employees
Mr. Speaker;Fourth Phase Government has paid importance on the issue of improving the welfare of civil servants. Almost every year we have been we add the minimum wage. For that reason, the minimum wage increased from 65,000 shillings shillings in 2005 to 265,000 last year. This year we have reached 300,000 shillings. I know still do not meet the requirements, but compared to this time we were very've added staff salaries. Similarly, we have continued to reduce income tax for the series from 18 percent in 2005 to 11 percent this year. Our mission is the desire to provide more affordable for workers. Similarly, we have 233,876 staff promotions and pay arrears of 422,348 employees of Shs 384.8 billion.
Mr. Speaker;Tumetekeleza Decentralization policies in districts which limelazimu increasing financial and human resources for District Councils and Cities. For this purpose subsidies to our Board has increased from 780 billion shillings in 2005/2006 to 4.69 trillion shillings in 2015/2016. In addition, we have intensified the service in the Council to employ many staff with diverse backgrounds.
Gender equality
Mr. Speaker;In 2005 I promised during the campaign and during the launch of the Ninth Parliament, that will increase the participation of women in various spheres of activity and life of the people of our country, including decision making positions. You and I are witnesses that we have fulfilled that promise. The number of women MPs has risen from 62 in 2005 to 127. Currently, fifty to fifty is officially in the proposed Constitution. For the first time in the history of our country and our Parliament Speaker hereby Semamba woman Honourable Anne Makinda.
Women have increased in all major levels of decision. For example, we have 10 women Ministers, Deputy Ministers women 5 women Judges 37 District Commissioners are women 53. In the case of Permanent Secretaries, Deputy Permanent Secretaries, Heads of Regional Executive Directors etc. have also increased. In education and here we have gender equality in terms of the number of female students and male in primary school and secondary school. In higher education institutions, the number of female students has increased steadily from 10,039 in 2005 to 78,800 in 2014.

State of the Economy
Mr. Speaker;When I came to power in 2005, I promised fellow citizens that we will do all we can to build a stable and inclusive economy. Specifically, I said I will promote economic reform policies and put on a coherent economic growth, increasing employment, increasing GDP and reducing poverty. In the last ten years we have continued to manage a good level of macro-economic policy and economic policy at low levels that affect ordinary citizens.
Our efforts have borne fruit these encouraging. During this period, GDP grew by an average of approximately 7 percent Our country is among the 10 African nations and 20 world whose economy is growing at a rapid pace. National crude output has increased more than threefold from 14.1 trillion shillings in 2005 to 79.4 trillion in 2014. Thus, the average income of the Tanzanian shilling and it has grown from 441,030 in 2005 to 1,724,416 shillings in 2014.
Mr. Speaker;Our sales outside increased from US $ billion 1.67 in 2005 to US $ billion 8.76 2014 [A1] to raise our savings in foreign currency to enable us to import products to the needs of the country from the outside for months 4.1 as we planned. Inflation is 6.1 percent.
Mr. Speaker;As you may know, in 2000 our country itself had kept Vision National Development until 2025. In 2010 we made a long-term plan (Long Term Perspective Plan) of (2010-2025) to guide the implementation of the Vision for the remaining 15 years. Tuligawa its implementation in three Development Plans five years each. We are in the final stages of the implementation of the First, (2011/12 - 2015/16) to prepare a second plan (2016/17 - 2021/22).
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